a solo exhibition by
20 February – 13 March 2021
opening event Saturday 20 February 11am – 3pm
StateoftheART is delighted to present INTIMACY, our first exhibition for 2021, and Lisette Forsyth’s fourth solo with the gallery.
“Intimacy transcends the physical, reaching across gender, race and species. It defies and includes science. Expressed in touch or a mere glance that speaks a thousand words. The faith that it is safe to expose the dark and vulnerable. To be reflected in a light of love.
Love thyself, and be loved.” – Lisette Forsyth
In INTIMACY, Lisette explores intimate and private relationships between people, places, and things; those quiet, perfect, shared private moments — those brief, unnameable instances where everything fits, no doubts or questions exist, and all seems safe and good.

For the opening event on the 20th of February, Lisette will be inviting people to sit with her for an intimate moment in conversation.
Booking is essential as space is limited: we will be hosting small group viewings from 11:00am till 3:00pm – to allow for current physical distancing protocols. Visitor numbers inside the gallery will be limited to a maximum of 10 at 30 minute intervals. Due to strong demand we recommend booking a viewing slot using the RSVP link below.
Please note the wearing of masks is mandatory for all visitors to the gallery.

A catalogue will be available to view online from Monday 15 February 2021.
StateoftheART Gallery 50 Buitenkant Street East Precinct Central City Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 061 129 1899 | Gallery Hours Mon – Fri: 10am till 4pm Sat: 10am till 1pm Closed: Sun & Public Holidays Open online 24/7 |

I used a house plan as that is where we are confined to stay at present; needing to re-evaluate, make changes, and adapt to the times we are in. It is a letter of application to the local municipality – just as we now, more than ever, find ourselves strictly controlled by the State as to what is essential and what we can or cannot do.
The close confines of our homes forces us to look deeply at our intimate relationships and establish our allies. We are in this together: we all feel vulnerable and the need for comfort and reassurance like small children.